
Milk Carton Bird Feeder

Animals in nature are so exciting to watch for little ones but often my little one gets excited and scream or run towards squirrels or birds, scaring them away. So I decided that we should make a bird feeder and put it right outside our slider door so that Cruz can watch the squirrels and birds through the window but wouldn't scare them away.
This was a last minute idea so I used what we had in our recycle bin. We used an old milk carton.

First we rinsed it out and cut an opening.

We painted it...

We paint a lot so I have an old shirt that we use when painting...after each project I let the paint dry that got on it and stick it back in our art closet to be used the next time. I think it's fun to see the shirt gain character over time :)

We let the carton dry and filled it with I said, this was a last minute idea so we didn't have any bird seed on hand.

We tied it down and played while we waited for the squirrels and birds :)

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